Return Policy
Like many retailers, we guarantee our products; if an item is defective, you can bring or send it back. Unlike most retailers, we also guarantee the products offered through our catalog, website, and Flagship Store; if an item you’ve purchased turns out to be unsuitable, you can bring it back. We will assess the situation of the returned item that you would like to exchange, refund, repair, or credit. On returns you will be charged a 25% restocking fee for the returned item
If you have any questions about our guarantee, please email, or call 914.510.4294.
Returns and Exchanges
Returns and exchanges can be made the same way you purchased the product.
Returning by mail
Within the US: Returned items must be sent via insured, prepaid Regular US Mail. Ensuring your return allows you to track your parcel with the US Postal Service.
Please Note: We cannot accept CODs or courier deliveries.
Outside the US: Ship goods prepaid, by insured ground shipping. To avoid unnecessary delays, please write “U.S. Goods returning” on the outside of the package.
Please Note: If you return items by UPS or other carriers, as duty and / or brokerage fees will be charged, and your return will be refused by Koonce & Co.
If you are requesting an exchange, please remember to include sufficient payment for the return postage. Where applicable, please contact your local customs office for information about any taxes or duties that may be assessed on a return shipment.
Please note: We will accept exchanges in person with prior arrangements with both Parties